This meeting will be held electronically as per Ministerial Order No. M192

  • Recommendation

    That the agenda for this September 8, 2020 Committee of the Whole meeting be approved.

  • Recommendation

    That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held July 14, 2020 be approved.

  • Recommendation

    That the Committee:

    1. Recommend that Council confirm a kick off date of February 2021 to commence community engagement for the new Official Community Plan;
    2. Define the scope for the Official Community Plan review; and
    3. Recommend that Council approve the scope of the Official Community Plan review as defined by the Committee of the Whole.


  • Recommendation

    That the Committee direct staff to refer proposed “Town of Ladysmith Film Bylaw, 2020, No. 2045” to the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, Ladysmith Downtown Business Association, and Film Cowichan for review and comment prior to formal consideration by Council.

  • Recommendation

    That the Committee direct staff to:

    1. Provide a 1-year Permissive Tax Exemption to all properties currently identified in “2020 Permissive Tax Exemptions Bylaw 2019, No. 2017”;
    2. Provide a 10-year Permissive Tax Exemption for 630 2nd Avenue;
    3. Provide a 10-year Permissive Tax Exemption for 220 High Street;
    4. Not include the fully exempt properties on the water parcel tax or the sewer parcel tax; and
    5. Prepare the necessary Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaws for Council consideration.

  • Recommendation

    That the Committee recommend that Council approve the amended Purchasing Policy 05-1790-D as presented by the Director of Financial Services.

  • Recommendation

    That the Committee review additional options provided by staff regarding the Park Bench Donations Guidelines Policy 12-5810-A and recommend to Council with which option it would like to proceed.

Councillor Stevens has requested that the Committee discuss potential plans for the protection and dedication of park lands.(A list of dedicated parks is included for background information.)

Councillor Virtanen has requested that the Committee discuss the possibility of offering lifeguard supervision at Transfer Beach in 2021. (Past email correspondence is attached for background information.)

Councillor Johnson has requested that the Committee discuss plans for a permanent downtown public washroom.  (The  2019 staff report is attached for background information.)

  • Recommendation

    That Council receive for information the correspondence dated August 16, 2020 from Jane Kilthei, One Cowichan, regarding the Town of Ladysmith's climate action plan.

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